Transport Stillages and Lifting Stillages
Transport Stillages and Lifting Stillages can be utilised for many purposes, from supporting the transportation of out-of-gauge items, to securing, and off-loading of heavy-duty machinery, and even transportation and lifting of offsite construction (MMC) components such as wall cassettes, large glazed units, etc.

Lifting Stillage with Lifting System

Transport Stillage
Britlift have a wealth of experience in the engineering design and manufacture of transport and lifting stillages, alongside the manufacture, test and certification. Britlift can design and supply your whole lifting system, including associated rigging for lifting.
With our team of mechanical/structural engineers, and coded welders, Britlift are best placed to supply the most suitable, economical, safe and secure, engineered stillage. Optional extras could include full engineering calculations, MPI Testing, 3.1 material certificates, welding maps and third-party witnessing.
With our strap line being “Innovation in Lifting”, and with the team using a combination of experience, knowledge, calculations and software, you can be confident that you will receive the best possible engineered solution from Britlift!
There is no weight or size limited for stillages designed and manufactured by Britlift, we can supply to meet all shapes and sizes, from as small as 50kg SWL all the way up to (and beyond) 50 tonne SWL!
Looking for something different?
Britlift can design and manufacture any below-the-hook lifting system to suit any application and environment.
If you have a 2 point lift and no height restrictions then maybe its a spreader beam you need? Visit the products page (above) and click on spreader beams.
Please fill out the below contact form and include any additional comments you feel are important for us to know.
Please include the weight being lifted, length required, type of top and bottom lifting points (distances if applicable) and any special standards or specifications.
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